

Project Brief:

Our lovely client Ms. Olivia had an Instagram account. But it was inactive for a long time as has been noted. However, a month back, she restarted her business of imported shoes and bags from the USA again, eventually after COVID-19 lockdown. Meanwhile, she created a new Facebook page for it. As revealed by, she did not know about Instagram marketing for business growth. Thus, she found us on Facebook and subsequently, she immediately knocked us to set up a business page on Instagram for her to do Instagram Marketing for business growth.

In brief, Instagram can help you increase your brand awareness indeed and launch new products as well. In particular, 80% of Instagram users make a purchase based on something they discover on their platform sometimes or even once. To sum up, Instagram lets you promote your brand and products in a friendly and authentic way as well, indeed.


Instagram Marketing for Business Growth- Step 01

Gather All Information

In line manner, for setting up her business page on Instagram , we updated all the required information clearly. And next we  replaced her profile picture by her business logo as well for better public attention and brand image. First and foremost we converted her basic Instagram profile into a Business Profile. Then,  we made other changes as well and also made some simple and easy brand-able hashtags for promoting her business faster.


Instagram Marketing for Business Growth- Step 02

Find Solution & Solve it

After completing all the basic steps, we went for boosting it to get her expected public engagements and followers. We also made her understood to offer discounts, fill gallery by repeating posts and showcasing all the products repeatedly on stories as well as on other social media platforms. 


Instagram Marketing for Business Growth- Step 03

Finally Get the Result

And after running the campaign successfully according to Instagram demographics (Such as age, gender, location, education, income) and Instagram algorithm, Ms. Olivia got her followers and Instagram likes as per her package that she took from us. Last but not least, we got another happy client.

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